Create Checkout Buttons
Fully customisable checkout button dashboard
Customise your checkout button
After you've created your product, you can "Find a product" and select it to create and customise your checkout button to match your stores look and feel. This will increase conversion rates, can be installed in just 2 lines of code and it's got amazing features. Not only does it send your customers to a hosted checkout with your very own company logo but it has cashback, loyalty and follow up incentives to increase customer lifetime value.
It's not just a checkout button, it's what comes with it.
Customise your funky checkout button
Any colour, text, shape or size. You can customise these checkout buttons to suite the look and feel of your online store.
Button text e.g. Subscribe
Text Color
Shape of Checkout Button
Enable or Disable a Button Outline and choose a colour
Select what size you want the checkout button to be
Select a tagline for the checkout button
Configure your checkout button size
In order for your checkout button to display normally on your website, you first need to copy the “Checkout Button code” and paste it into a block that is at least 150px on your website.
There are also 5 basic size settings for the button:
Recommended (220 pixels by 40 pixels)
Small (150 pixels by 25 pixels)
Medium (250 pixels by 35 pixels)
Large (350 pixels by 40 pixels)
Responsive (Min width is 100px, max width 500px)
Last updated
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