My Orders
Activate, pause, unsubscribe, subscribe
Manage your orders
This is your universal product and subscription management dashboard. Any products, services or subscriptions you purchase through Xion's payment gateway, can be managed in the "My Orders" page. It's the easiest way to manage your orders and subscriptions on the go.
What you can do:
Activate, pause, unsubscribe and resubscribe to subscriptions
View transactions and payment status (single & recurring)
Download a CSV of your transaction/order history
Check when your next due billing date is and how many payments you have left on the subscription
Look out for discount tags 🏷 on product images to know if you can get subscription discounts
Please Note: Activating, pausing, unsubscribing and subscribing functionality is only available for subscription products or services. If it is a single billing product then the renewal date and payments left will be N/A.
This is how it works for Recurring billing
a.) If you recently paused your subscription, then you will be able to reactivate it by simply clicking "Activate". You will be charged on your next due "Billing Date" in USDT, so make sure you have enough USDT in your "Interest Bearing Vault" (Wallet) as your next billing date could be the date you click "Activate".
b.) If this is a Loyalty activated subscription and you still qualify for discounts, then your discount progress will continue if you were not recently unsubscribed.
c.) If your subscription was recently paused by the merchant, then you will not be able to "Activate" until it has been reactivated by the merchant. Once they reactivate it, you will be charged on your next due "Billing Date".
d.) If you do not have enough USDT in your "Interest Bearing Vault" before your next recurring billing payment, then you will be charged in XGT(if available). Same goes for not having enough XGT in your wallet; you'll be charged in USDT from your "Interest Bearing Vault" (if available)
a.) Going on holiday and want to pause your "gym" contract? Then just click "Pause" and your subscription will be paused indefinitely(until you decide to reactivate). However, you have to pay 12.5% of the total price of your subscription to pause it in either USDT or XGT. Example: Chocolate Box Subscription is $29.99, I decide to pay "$3.74" to pause my subscription for a month.
b.) If you are on a Loyalty Program, then your discount progress will be saved when either you or a merchant pauses your subscription.
a.) Clicking "Unsubscribe" will immediately cancel your recurring billing subscription.
b.) If your subscription was recently activate, then you will loose any discount progress(Loyalty Program) you have built up with this particular merchant, on this particular subscription. Any other subscriptions will not be affected, even if they are from the same merchant.
a.) If you wish to resubscribe to an existing subscription, then you can simply click "Subscribe" on that same subscription. Once clicked, you will be prompt with a pop up that will show you how much it costs in total(including shipping & USD), which currency you'd like to pay in (USDT or XGT), an approval button to purchase and a decline to cancel the payment.
Please note: Any action you take in this dashboard creates an Polygon blockchain transaction. Whether you pause, activate, subscribe or unsubscribe, a transaction will be created and about $0.01 transaction fees will be covered by Xion.
Even though we cover the low transaction/gas fee, we kindly ask you to refrain from taking multiple or unnecessary actions. Lastly, every time an action is taken, the subscription status will move to "Pending" until the Polygon blockchain transaction is "Successful" or "Failed".
Last updated